Sunday 08-07-2022
Sermon: “Scenes From the Bible” – Mickie Hass, BUMC Lay Speaker
Joe Amen, Liturgy
Rick Hass, BUMC Vocalist
Kathy Kramer, piano
Matt Perry, organ
Hymns Used In Worship, From The United Methodist Hymnal & The Faith We Sing Songbook
Greeting Hymn: This Is My Father’s World – UMH # 144
Hymn of Praise: Tell Me the Stories of Jesus – UMH # 277
Prayer Response: Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart, verse 1 – UMH # 500
Doxology: Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow – UMH #95
Scripture Response: Thy Word is A Lamp, Refrain – UMH # 601
Closing Hymn: We’ve A Story to Tell the Nations – UMH # 569
Benediction Hymn: Because He Lives, Refrain– UMH # 364