Community UMC Sunday Worship – 03/17/2024

03/17/2024 – 10:00 AM Sunday Worship Service Order

Welcome & Annoucements

Prelude Music: Rejoice the Lord is King – Four Hands Piano

Opening Prayer: – Rev. Allan Wintersteen

✟ ♫ Opening Hymn: A Mighty Fortress is Our God (Verses 1, 2, & 4) #110              

Call to Worship:

P: Be with us, Lord, as we take this step.

L: This requires the willingness to give all of your life to the Lord.

P: Be with us, Lord, as we commit our lives to you.

L: Come, let us worship and offer our voices of praise to God.

P: Let us open our hearts and spirits to God this day. AMEN.

Hymn of Praise: O Jesus, I Have Promised (Verses 1, 2, & 4) #396    

Small Things: (Children’s Message)

Hymn Response: Jesus Loves Me (Verse 1) # 191

Sharing our Joys and Concerns

Congregational Sharing of Joys & Concerns:

Pastoral Prayer, Silent Prayer, & The Lord’s Prayer:

Prayer Hymn: Sweet Hour of Prayer (Verse 1) # 496

Sharing Our Blessings with God

Offertory Prayer:

Draw us back to you, Lord. Give us confidence and courage to face the future with hope. Let us place our trust in you that the message of peace and mercy you have given to us through Jesus Christ may be offered to others through our own witness to your healing mercy. In Jesus’ Name, we pray.

Offertory Music: It Is Well – Four Hands Piano

✟♫ Doxology: Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow # 95

Reading of the Word:     

Jeremiah 31:31-34 (pg. 735)

John 12:20-33 (pg. 106 – Please stand for the Gospel)

The Word of God, For the people of God, and all Gods people said, Thanks be to God. A-men

✟♫ Gloria Patri: Glory Be to the Father # 70

Message by Rev. Allan Wintersteen

Closing Hymn: Lord, Dismiss Us with Thy Blessing #671    

Blessing and Benediction: – Rev. Allan Wintersteen♫ Hymn of Going Forth: God Be With You #672