Community UMC – 08-13-2023 – 10 AM Sunday Worship

Welcome to Our Worship Service!August 13, 2023

Welcome and Announcements

Prelude Music – Kathy Kramer, piano

Opening Prayer

✟ Opening Hymn      All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name           # 154

✟ Call To Worship

L: “When the storms of life are raging, stand by me”

P: Lord, hear my cry and rescue me!

L: “When the world is tossing me like a ship upon the sea”

P: God who rules wind and water, stand by me.

L: God stands with you in bright sunshine and deepest storm.

P: God gently guides us to safety and peace. Thanks be to God.


[Lyrics are from UMH #512 “Stand by Me”, Charles Albert Tindley, ca. 1906]

Hymn of Praise         Ask ye what great Thing I know                # 163

Small Things (Children’s Time)      

Hymn Response        Jesus Loves Me                                           # 191

Sharing our Joys and Concerns

Pastoral Prayer and Silent Prayer

The Lord’s Prayer

Hymn Response        Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus                       # 349

Sharing Our Blessings with God

Offertory Prayer      

The richness of God’s mercy is poured over us every minute of our

lives, even when we least expect it. We offer our gifts and tithes in

gratitude for all that God does for and with us, that we might become better servants of the Gospel. AMEN.

Offertory Music – Matthew Perry, organ

✟ Doxology:   Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow         # 95

✟ Scripture Reading

Psalm 40:1-3 ( p. 513 )

Matthew 14:22-33 ( p. 16)

L:The Word of God

ALL: For the people of God. A-men

Message:        Welcome Aboard

Closing Hymn            Jesus call us over the Tumult                    # 398

✟ Blessing and Benediction

✟ Going Forth           God Be With You Till We Meet Again    # 672